Author: Jack Boomer

Pruning the Taxus Baccata

The taxus baccata is a slow growing tree. To keep it looking its best it is necessary to prune it on a regular basis. The best time to prune the taxus baccata is in late winter or early spring, before the new growth begins. When pruning the taxus baccata it is important to remember that…

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With annual climbers into the sky

Climbing plants are good in every garden and on every balcony. If you go up in height with greenery, you quickly create variety. Their colourful flowers and rapid growth make annual climbers an attractive feature on balconies and terraces. Especially in recently landscaped gardens and on dull balconies, vertical greenery can easily and instantly create…

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The quick vegetable garden for beginners

You had planned to start your own vegetable garden this spring, but now summer has come. Still, it’s not too late to start planting a vegetable garden. Get started today! Maybe you see beautiful vegetable gardens in your neighbourhood and think it’s too late to start. But even at the start of summer, you can…

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